Thanksgiving Breakfast Stuffing with Baked Eggs

Thanksgiving Breakfast Stuffing with Baked Eggs and Bacon

Now that I’m in Hong Kong, this is my first year celebrating Thanksgiving without a turkey, but I’ll be damned if I let that prevent me from enjoying my absolute favorite side — stuffing. Croutons are legitimately my favorite snack (I eat them straight out of the bag like a raccoon), and stuffing is basically …

Grilled Shrimp & Mexican Street Corn Tacos (In Collaboration with Men’s Health)

Mexican street corn is one of my favorite things to eat. The tart lime and cheese with that charred corn and chili powder make such an addictive dish that I call it crack corn. I’ve already written two different recipes for it, so when Men’s Health approached me to help them create something perfect for summertime …

Molten Lava Cookies Hot Cocoa Chocolate Nutella Marshmallows

Molten Lava Hot Cocoa Cookies with Nutella & Mini Marshmallows

Christmas time means baking cookies for Santa! It’s my 2nd year participating in FreshDirect‘s #12DayofCookies campaign (last year I made super festive red velvet and green tea cookies). This time around, I was inspired by this freezing cold weather to do a play on hot cocoa by making molten lava cookies with a chocolate center and mini …