Welcome friends and strangers to my finally conceived food blog. As someone who has always been a foodie, trying new places, recommending restaurants to friends, and spamming Facebook with my own food porn in the form of mobile uploads (sorry for that, btw), I’ve been saying for the past 2 years that I’ve always wanted to make a food blog. And now, with over a month of free time left before full-time employment begins, I figure it’s time to stop talking and start doing (I also couldn’t sleep, hence the ridiculous timestamp).

Now as a disclaimer, the title of this blog is a bit deceiving. I am not exactly “gutless”, for which you can blame 4 years of college and a semester abroad in the country with the highest consumption of beer per capita (Prague, CZ represent). However, I do my best to keep that shit under control. When I’m not dining out for Restaurant Week or trying the new all-you-can-eat sushi buffet in my NJ hometown (both of which I did yesterday), I’m doing yoga, going for a run, and eating food that’s chock full of whole grains, veggies, lean proteins, and other stuff that’s good for you (which I did this past Tuesday thru Friday). I’m even starting a 3 day combo juice/raw cleanse today (which me luck).
Hence the name of this blog: No Gut Glutton. (Side note: I wanted to call it a bajillion other things like Foodie not Fatty but they were all apparently taken)
Anyway, in this blog I’ll highlight my various food adventures in NYC as they happen and may do some retrospective posts about some of my favorite places in the city as well (sidenote: I’m really indecisive so those links are truly a random assortment of a much larger list of favorites). Of course, I’ll also document my healthy side with recipes for meals that are both yummy and guilt-free and other random things concerning my attempt to get rid of my gut.
This is obviously still in infancy and will change over time. With that, I’d love any suggestions or feedback, love, hate, share it with your friends, whatever. I’m just really excited to finally be doing this. And so it begins…
I am so excited!